Age: 11 Diagnosis: B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Meet Weston, a caring and energetic 11-year-old. Weston…
Ways to Fundraise for the MACC Fund
Have you ever thought “I’d really like to host a fundraiser to benefit the MACC Fund” but are unsure of where to start? Perhaps overwhelmed by the idea of planning, executing, asking for donations, etc.? You’re not alone and it just so happens you’ve come to the right place!
Starting a fundraiser can be boiled down to four key things, and we will be here to help you every step of the way!
Selecting a Theme
First, you should consider ‘what am I passionate about’ and does that have the ability to be turned into a fundraiser? Golfing, biking, bowling, arts & crafts, cooking, etc.… all great examples of peoples passions that can be turned into a fundraiser! If you’re curious if your passion can be turned into a fundraiser, call us, and we will share our insights!
Making Connections
Next, you should consider ‘who do I know’ in the area of your passion! If you love golf and you know the owner of a golf course or perhaps a head pro, that is a great foot-in-the-door to starting the fundraiser. Knowing industry folks is very helpful when selecting venues and securing non-profit-friendly pricing. If you don’t have a contact in the area of your passion, don’t worry, call us, and we will share ours if we have one!
Finding Participants
Third, you should consider ‘who will participate’ in your fundraiser? Do you have a ‘base’ of participants to draw upon? Don’t worry about event size; events both large and small in terms of participants and dollars raised are critically important to raising money for childhood cancer and blood disorders research. If you don’t have a base of folks to participate, call us, and we will share our insights into finding participants!
We’re Here to Help!
Last but not least, simply, call us. Events are inherently unique and rarely is there a ‘copy and paste’ mentality when it comes to planning and executing. By calling us to share your passions, ideas, etc. we will help every step of the way craft a signature event unique to your wishes that will make an impact on kids battling cancer and blood disorders!
Interested in learning more? Email us today!