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MACC Fund Privacy Policy

Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.) has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its firm commitment to the privacy interests of our users. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for our web site.

Use of Your IP Address

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. For example, your IP address is recorded in our site traffic reports. It is also used by our web traffic analysis software to gather broad demographic information about visitors to the site. (i.e., number of visitors, their geographical location, etc.).

Submission Form Requirements

In some cases, visitors wishing to contact us, make a donation, purchase products, volunteer their time and/or subscribe to the @macctoday or Trek 100 newsletters are required to provide some personal information such as their name and e-mail address. In certain cases, credit card information is also requested. This information is used only to respond to a direct inquiry and/or to administer your request (i.e, making a pledge, buying items from the Shop4Hope, subscribing to our newsletter, registering for an event, etc.). In most cases, you can contact us directly (by calling 414.456.5830) and provide the same information.

At no time will your contact information be sold, traded, leased, or borrowed to third party vendors without our full disclosure to you at the point of registration or purchase.

Personal Information Security & Credit Card Submissions

Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.) does not store sensitive or transmitted information on our web server. Information submitted to us through our web site, either through web-based forms, e-mail, or through our e-commerce (shopping cart) program is held strictly confidential. Credit card information for payment processing, is only used to process your order and not stored on our servers.

At times, the MACC Fund may use outside organizations to perform specialized services such as, but not limited to, credit card processing and order fulfillment. These service providers are only given the information needed to perform those services and they are bound contractually to protect the privacy and security of your information and to limit the use of your information to the service being provided.

Links to Other Sites

Our site contains links to other sites to enhance the value and depth of the resources we provide to our visitors. Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.) is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites, nor should any relationship between the MACC Fund and other web sites be implied unless otherwise specified.

Unsubscribing from @macctoday or Trek 100 e-Newsletters

If you would like to unsubscribe to the @macctoday or Trek 100 e-newsletters, please send an email to MACC Fund at and we will gladly honor your request.

Privacy Policy Amendments

In the event that Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.) introduces technologies or programs on our web site (i.e., e-mail lists, etc.) that impact the privacy interests of our users, we will update and amend this privacy policy.

Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of our site, or your dealings with Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.) please visit our Contact Us page or contact:

Development Officer
Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer (MACC Fund, Inc.)
10000 Innovation Drive
Suite 135

Milwaukee, WI 53226

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