Age: 3 Diagnosis: Wilms Tumor Meet April, a kind-hearted and goofy 3-year-old. April loves animals…

A Day to Never “Fore”-Get
Women for MACC
Did you know that there is an organization of women who are passionate about bringing awareness to and fighting childhood cancer? There is! Women for MACC was established in 1982 as a group of mothers, siblings, relatives, friends and concerned individuals who wanted to help eliminate childhood cancer and related blood disorders. As a mom to a leukemia survivor, it is a no-brainer for me to be a part of the organization. Childhood cancer is something I’ve become very passionate about since having to live through it with my son when he was diagnosed in 2012. But what really amazes me is how many women who don’t have a personal connection to the cause, but still choose to donate their time and energy to being a voice for our kids, in the hopes that someday, other kids and families don’t have to suffer through the nightmare that is childhood cancer. There’s nothing quite as inspiring as working towards a common goal with group of like-minded individuals, strong women who are fighting for your child and children like them.
Nining, Wining & Dining
Recently, WMACC celebrated the fifth year of our women-only golf event, Nine, Wine, & Dine. Five consecutive years of a successful event is always significant, just as the number five is significant in the world of childhood cancer. After a diagnosis, the goal is to just get through the next five minutes, and then the next five hours, and then the next five days, the next five weeks, the next five months. Once a child reaches five years off treatment without a relapse, they are considered a survivor. While reaching that five-year mark is something to celebrate, it’s important to know that it is not uncommon for children who have gone through cancer treatment to have health issues beyond that five-year mark, health issues such as infertility, heart failure and secondary cancers. That is why we need to continue to work together to develop less toxic, more updated treatments for kids.
A Day Like No Other
Nine, Wine & Dine is an event unlike any other. It offers a fun-filled day of golfing for ladies only…and don’t worry…actual golf skill is not required! Wine-tasting is always a plus, and when it’s in the name of hope for the future of childhood cancer, everyone is a winner. The guest speakers were inspiring; hearing from two 13-year survivors of childhood cancer and their mothers provides so much hope for those who are fighting hard to make it to that point and beyond.
Other WMACC Events
We would love to have you join us next year! If you simply cannot wait until then to participate, you’re in luck as WMACC’s signature event, Couture for a Cure, is coming up on November 5th. It’s a fantastic afternoon of fashion, shopping and a delicious lunch, all in the name of finding a cure for childhood cancer. For those who are looking for a more family-friendly event, our Pasta Fest is held at American Serb Hall in early March. A delicious pasta dinner with sauce by Milwaukee’s favorite Barbieri’s Italian Inn is served, along with a fantastic raffle and fun for the whole family!