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Local Resources

Care for Caregivers

A MACC Fund support network for parents and caregivers of children actively receiving treatment for pediatric cancer and related blood disorders. Hosted virtually on Zoom, Melissa Minkley, MSW, will co-facilitate this gathering with former pediatric cancer parent, Nora Millies, to offer helpful resources, effective ways to navigate the journey, and a space to connect with other caregivers going through a similar experience. This free group meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday of the month (7-8 PM) virtually on Zoom.

Special Spaces

Designs dream bedroom makeovers for children with cancer.

Brave Like Mackenzie

Provides support to patients and their families as they battle pediatric cancer. In addition, they help support the MACC Fund Center through gifting books, art supplies and toys for patients who are receiving treatment.

Kisses from Keegan and Friends

Offers emotional and financial support to children undergoing cancer treatment and their families. They also provide experiences for families to enjoy time together outside of the hospital.

Destination Dino Liam

Provides Wisconsin families battling childhood cancer with memories only a long weekend outing can provide. They cover the costs of gas, food, activities, and accommodation.

Flight to the North Pole 

Held annually, children currently in treatment for cancer will be invited to board a “flight” at Mitchell International Airport. Once they board the real airplane, it will taxi around the runway with windows closed so that the Christmas magic will transport them to the “North Pole” (a decked out airplane hanger). At the North Pole, families will participate in activities, a lunch, meet Santa, and receive some very special Christmas gifts. This is not an event to miss!

Camp One Step

Provides a wide range of year-round camps for kids with cancer, their siblings, and their families.

Colton’s Cure Foundation

Offers financial grants for families navigating pediatric cancer.

Badger Cancer Network 

Provides emergency financial assistance, a support group, and family fun events to pediatric cancer families receiving care at American Family Children’s Hospital.

Childhood Cancer Family Foundation 

Provides financial assistance for families in Northeast Wisconsin: Brown, Calumet, Door, Florence, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Kewaunee, Marinette, Manitowoc, Marquette, Menominee, Oconto, Outagamie, Shawano, Sheboygan, Waushara, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties

Dove’s Nest 

A cabin on Lake Camelot in Rome, WI that is used exclusively for providing up to one week of respite for families undergoing treatment for a life-threatening illness.

Portia’s Purpose 

Financial assistance for Wisconsin and Upper Peninsula families going through pediatric cancer. Apply through your hospital social worker.

Go Bo Foundation 

Financial assistance for pediatric cancer families living in Door County.

Healing Identity Foundation 

Provides funds for the purchase of wigs for those experiencing the side effects of chemotherapy.

Families of Children with Cancer, Inc. 

Provides a wide range of support for families in northeastern Wisconsin such as: financial support, support groups, gift cards for newly diagnosed families, educational materials, sibling support, and more.

Isaac Strong Foundation 

Financial Assistance for families residing in Rock County

Gilda’s Club Madison 

Offers mental health support services for families navigating the cancer journey including short-term individual counseling, therapeutic medical play, a youth affected by cancer support group, a virtual support group for caregivers of children with cancer, and more. They also have a service called Open to Options where a licensed mental health professional will assist a parent facing a treatment-related decision with communicating clearly with their medical team and asking critical questions about treatment options.

Chix 4 a Cause 

Provides “Gifts of Love”—help with housing expenses or groceries, transportation costs, or certificate for a weekend away with family—for families living in Southeastern Wisconsin. Also, offers care packages to anyone in the state of Wisconsin.

Tricia’s Troops Cancer Connection 

Offers limited financial assistance and support services for the daily living needs and expenses that families encounter during cancer treatment.

Battlecorn Care Packages 

Sends care packages for children battling cancer.

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