Age: 11 Diagnosis: B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Meet Weston, a caring and energetic 11-year-old. Weston…

Cai’s Story
Welcome to our Featured Fighter video series! We look forward to telling the stories through a new video format. Check out Cai’s video below!
Age: 10
Diagnosis: Sickle Cell Beta Zero Thalassemia
Meet Cai, a joyful 10-year-old who was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Beta Zero Thalassemia as an infant. She continues to manage pain crises and deal with the challenges of sickle cell disease. Despite the setbacks she has faced, Cai radiates positivity and has a love for school and sports. She plans to continue her love for learning by becoming a veterinarian or math tutor when she grows up! Cai is also a published author, with her book Cai’s ABC’s of Sickle Cell, a children’s book she wrote to help other children understand sickle cell disease. Thank you for supporting research for kids like Cai. Thank you for giving hope.
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