Age: 11 Diagnosis: B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Meet Weston, a caring and energetic 11-year-old. Weston…

A Heartfelt Thank You
Every single day, I am reminded of all the reasons I have to be grateful; for the people in my life, the work that I do, the advancements I can help achieve. Back when I first became a volunteer for the MACC Fund, I knew that I had found something special. Once I started fighting for this cause, I knew that I would never stop fighting for it. The MACC Fund team, the people who support us, and the families we help, have become part of my family.
I have received such an outpouring of love and encouragement from friends, MACC Fund supporters, and the community at large. I cannot thank everyone enough for the faith that they have shown in me. I am honored to carry on the proud MACC Fund tradition and am ready to guide our organization into the future.
Childhood cancer and related blood disorders are devastating, and difficult to understand. It’s even more heart breaking when you learn that these diseases receive such a small portion of government funding. Now, as President and CEO of the MACC Fund, I can make a real impact to change these numbers, to provide more funding to medical advancements that can make a difference. It’s amazing that childhood cancer survival rates have increased from 20% to over 80%, but to that 20%, it’s not enough.
It may not always be easy to stare into the face of childhood cancer, but we must. We can never settle for “good enough”. We must always do better, until we can say with confidence, that cure rates for these diseases are at 100%. Our reach is greater than children in Wisconsin, it’s for children across the country, and across the world. I cannot imagine a greater privilege than leading an organization with such inspirational people and incredible promise.
Becky Pinter
President & CEO